Sunday, February 6, 2011

Reimagining Visual Framing

Original Image
Croped Image

I chose this Salvidor Dali image because it just is so appealing. One of the best i think out of all of the other photos that could have been used. I like it because there is just so much action going on in the picture. It seems like if there was any more going on, it would not fit in the frame. I also like it because it just seems so random and there are thins happening that would not happen in the natural world. It is just over the top and full of things that cannot be explained and you can see that it is only something that can be created from the mind of someone truly creative.
As you can see in the photo's above, i chose to crop the image around the tigers. I did this because i find it one of the most appealing parts of the image. You can see that the two tigers are not just leaping out towards the front of the image and the woman. But instead they are leaping out of a goldfish, leaping out of a glove/planet sort of thing.
I think the artist chose to frame it like this because it captures more of whats going on. Maybe in his mind it is explaining different aspects of things by showing more. In his mind each part of the picture is explaining another part and giving a reason why it is shown the way it is, and placed where it is.
The visual intensity is greatly portrayed in this since, everywhere you look there is something strange and confusing. Basically there is a lot of action bursting out everywhere making your eyes dart around and your mind try to contemplate what on earth is happening in the scene.
Line and Shape are shown thanks to the direction that each of the things are facing. The tigers are leaping towards the right side of the frame from the left. The elephant thing on stilts has its legs, that if you follow them down, are pointed towards the bottom right where the tigers are also leaping. All the lines and shapes are pointing to the woman laying in the corner of the frame.
Space doesn't play much of a role here, apart from that it is cramped and closed to make you look to the front of the image. If your to look into the background of the image, you would not see anything bu bland colors and nothing occupying the space. Instead your eyes are brought to the front showing off the different things going on.
This picture would be Active since it is not explaining any kind of story that you can follow. It is basically giving you images and making you think up some kind of story to explain what is going on and why.
You are Consciously looking around and thinking about what is happening and you are constantly thinking of what kind of things are behind the reason for these images. The key is that you are thinking about whats going on but you are not really understanding what it is that is being done. 

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