Thursday, March 10, 2011


Here are a few things that i have found in life. It may not be a good manifesto, but these are some things i thought i would share about what i think. In no particular order.

1. People will try to put you down if they are jealous of what you've done.
2. There will always be someone to criticize.
3. Just live your life in the way you want too.
4. Work hard, play harder.
5. Prioritize everything you do. Think what should come first
6. Build on what you know works.
7. Don't always follow the crowd.
8. Be the leader of the crowd.
9. Don't start something your not willing to finish.
10. Everyone may appear like something on the outside, just be wary of whats inside.

Blog 10

Freak Factor
In this piece of reading you get to read about the strengths and weaknesses that people in society and people nowadays are told to have. In the piece is talks about listening to others about what your weaknesses are, and what they don't like. It says that you can use this advice from them to not fix your weaknesses, but to use them to find your strengths and what you are best at. It also talks about not listening to what others say to try and change you, and also don't say things to try and change people. Find the good things with people and try to promote their strengths; let them be freaks if it means that they are better at something than someone else.
I agree with the first point that tells you about getting feedback and evaluations from different people, like your boss, co workers, friends, parents or just about anyone. With this you can find out your weaknesses, fix your weaknesses, build on strengths and a combination of the two. People normally try to fix weaknesses by building on their strengths Like it says in this passage, children and such are expected to be able to do things but they are looked at differently if they cannot.
Another part of the reading i liked was point 3. I liked this part becuase it had a list of Weakness to contrast to the strengths. I also agree with some of these while at the same time i disagree with some of them. Some of those Strengths i feel that it is a mixed scenario with the weakness. I feel like this because some of the strengths apply to me, but like the very first one, i feel that with my creativity i am still very well organized, if not more organized than others without creativity.
The final point that i agreed with was point 5. This point said to build on your strengths. This is feel works and agree with their bullet points of it feeling good, you have the greatest potential in your area of strength, and your strength makes up for your weakness. I agree that it feels good making what you know you are good at better. It is also true that you have the greater to  potential to do something really good in your area of expertise because its a strength that came from having a weakness. If you continue to make your strength better it can butt out the weakness or increase the weakness which can be an acceptable choice to choose between.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Blog 9A

Two points I think that didn't come off to well in our video game design presentation i feel might have been the description of game modes, and of the customization extent. I think that maybe if the more than one person of the group had shown up sooner on the days i tried to get everyone together,maybe i would of had time to think of a way to better elaborate the points in the presentation better.
The concept area's i thought were a little bit more difficult to explain and design points for were Mechanics and Objectives. I think Mechanics was difficult to explain to others becuase it was defined as "Ways of play". This made me think that it was how the player wanted to play; but then it would make me think that, that was too similar to Goals. So i found it difficult to think of something to say to keep them separate. With Objectives, it was kind of wierd to talk about becuase sometimes peoples Goals, would already be the objective; and with that there wasn't much explaining i was able to do apart from explaining  the difference.