Friday, January 7, 2011

1st Influential Person


This artist in influential to me because he creates the kind of music that I enjoy listening to the most. After finding this artist and listening to more of his songs, I found that he was quite widely represented as one of the genre's most favorite artists.
I feel that in most of his songs there is a Tension and Release aspect to how the song plays out. It will build up with a somewhat low tone/speed then drop into a faster speed to build tension. After a bit of fast paced exciting music it will slow back down again for release. A lot of  his kind of music is Active and Didactic, it gives a different sense to quite a few people, it also, unless you have heard it before makes you think of what it is going to sound like next. Which applies to it being active. But then it also gives you a sense of what kind of beat will be coming up next. Which would be didactic.
The music can affect people in different ways, some will listen consciously while others will subconsciously listen to it in somewhat of a trance.
I am inspired by DeadMau5 because I would like to provide people with the same kind of affect that i am given, but with my kind of twist on it.

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