Friday, January 7, 2011

3rd Influential Person

Steven Spielberg 

This man is so influential to me because he makes so many great movies that are just so entertaining and that everyone enjoys. He inspires me to try to make the best thing that i am working on.
In multiple films Spielberg works on using Tension and Release. All movies created almost always build up tension and make you on the edge of your seat, then at the best moment release you. Text and Subtext are used with all other underlying aspects such as unreliable narrator and misdirection.
His movies are always either Didactic, not giving information but making you figure it out yourself, or Active, giving you a significant amount of information as you progress throughout it.
With using those features and a lot more, Spielberg always manages to create a entertaining movie  narration that always sells well. So i would like to be able to learn how to work towards being as well known at making things as him.

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