Monday, January 24, 2011

Song Compared and Contrasted

Better Off Alone - Alice DJ

Say Yeah - Wiz Khalifa

These two songs, clearly both have the same beat, which would be called Affinity (Same). The first song is from  Alice DJ and was a longer time ago in nineteen ninety nine, instead of more recently like the one from Wiz Khalifa; who's came out more recently in two thousand and seven. The two have the same basic song beat, except the Contrast is that some parts of the beat are sped up and/or looped at certain points. Another major Contrast is the lyrics; Alice DJ's is more centered on the sound of the song and the beat, with limited singing. Wiz Khalifa's version is more up to date and is has more of a rap quality to it, with more singing; where Alice DJ's is more Pop, and Euro-Dance. Another thing is that "Say Yeah" is a bit longer than the other song. Something that they both do in each song is doing is making you know what the next beat is going to be like, which is know as effecting your Subconscious. The beat starts off and you hear the lyrics being sung by whoever is singing it, or depending on which version your listening to and at what part, and you hear the beat is in the background and Subconsciously you know what is going to come after the first few beats because its basically the same every time. Consciously you are listening to the lyrics being sung if there are any at that point in the song.

Intensity is portrayed in both songs best with the loud boom of the bass, and different soft electronic beeps over or below the bass. Also when there's a more softer lyrical part of the song the bass will die down and a more relaxing beat will come into tune.
Pitch comes into play when the beat starts off in the beginning of either of these songs is either a higher beep or lower pumping/pulsing sound. Both songs have a high beat during most of the song but they both also have a lower pitched beat while the singer is doing a specific part of the song.
Speed plays a large part in both songs. In Alice DJ's version its a neither fast or slow, but more intermediate. Wiz Khalifa's does both, it goes slow while he sings and also mixes the beat up and goes faster at different parts of the song. Sometimes it will go faster as it builds up to go into a lyrical slow part.
Organization is mostly ordered  with a constant predictable beat, but in both songs it will change to a more chaotic fast beat that will start and stop and mix in a few pauses or other sounds.

Overall I think it depends on what mood i am in if i was going to choose what version i like best. I would choose Alice DJ's version because its a more classic dance song. But if i was in a more current music mood i would choose Wiz Khalifa's. They are both basically the same but one has more lyrics so it depends which i like more. If i had to choose it would Alice DJ's, because that was released before the other and set the base of the beat for his.

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